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Purpleheart Guitar Sets

Purple Heart is a less used name among the exotic wood category. It’s not a common wood among the guitar builders but, it has a really stunning appearance which attracts stringed-instrument lovers worldwide. Purple Heart is a dense and tough wood with exciting physical characteristics. It has a brilliant tonal quality which resembles the warmer version of Hard Maple wood.

Working with Purple Heart wood is a big challenge. When the wood is in contact with dull tools or cutter with high-speed, the wood releases a gummy resin which clogs the tools and complicates the entire process. Apart from these simple complications, Purple Heart gives a ravishing and unique look for your guitars.

Wood species Purple Heart
Scientific name  Peltogyne pubelcens
Weight 880 kg/m3
Color Purplish Brown to eggplant purple.
Texture Medium texture with straight, wavy or irregular grain pattern.
Shipping No restrictions
Recommendations High strength applications