How-to-straight-a-warped-wood-specifically-guitar-back-and-side-set Exotic Wood Zone

How to straight a warped wood, specifically guitar back and side set

Guitar set warping in woods is usual when they are exposed to moisture, heat, etc. There are several techniques available to unwarp the woods guitar like ironing, sunlight exposure, using pressure, with the help of advanced machinery, etc. Minor warping can usually be fixed with heat and moisture only, but for more severe warping, you may also need to apply pressure to the wood.

East Indian Rosewood for Guitar Back and Side Set

With beautiful purple hue acoustic guitar tonewoods, this Indian rosewood would make an amazing piece of furniture that would look wonderful in your living room. Not only does the Indian rosewood make an item of amazing furniture but also have you heard of an Indian rosewood guitar. Well, now you have. This wood is also used to make acoustic guitar set that give it a sophisticated finish.

Straight a Warped Wood - Intro

Here we are going to discuss the easy steps to straight the acoustic set warped East Indian Rosewood.

Step 1

For this technique, we need a towel that is large enough to cover the entire wood piece.

Straight a Warped Wood - Step 1

Step 2

The towels should be damp but not dripping wet. So, when moistening the towels, drench them and wring out the excess water. 

Straight a Warped Wood - Step 2

Step 3

Now place the warped wood on the wet towel upside down. The concave or inward curving surface of the wood should face down. The surface you place the wood on must be flat and rigid. 

Straight a Warped Wood - Step 3

Step 4

Cover Guitar back and side sets wood completely with the towel and place some heavy objects(say brick)  on the wood.  The wood will absorb the moisture and bend back into place in some time.

Straignten a wood step 4

Straighten a wood step 4

Step 5

Keep this for at least the next two hours. Most probably, the wood will regain its flat shape when checked after two hours. 

Straighten a wood step 6

Step 6

Then remove the towel and replace with heavyweight over the wood until the moisture in the wood moisture has been removed completely. This process may take 24 to 48 hours until the Acoustic guitar wood set gets dried.

Straighten a wood Step 5

Step 7

After 24-48 hours, as soon as the wood has completely dried throughout the entire piece, release the weight and check the wood to see the perfect flat wood surface!

This technique is all about equalizing the acoustic guitar tonewoods moisture evaporation. Wood back to original size when it gets wet and shrinks as it dries out. Another consideration is, make sure that the room air dry during this process. Do not store the wood in a humid environment

Voila,Our Straightened Wood is here,

Straight a Warped Wood - Step Final

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