Pink Ivory

 Pink Ivory Exotic Wood
 Common Name This tree is also known as Pink Ivory, Red Ivorywood, purple ivory, red ivory, umnini, and umgoloty.
Scientific Name Berchemia zeyheri
Distribution Native to Southern Africa the pink ivory tree grows predominantly in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and parts of South Africa.
Tree Size This tree can grow up to a height of 100-130 ft (30-40 m) tall, with a trunk diameter of 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m).
Dried Weight ( average ) 65 lbs/ft3 (1,035 kg/m3).
Specific Gravity 90, 1.04
Janka Hardness 3,230 lbf (14,370 N)

Pink Ivory trees are reported to be “rarer than diamonds.” This was because they were acknowledged to many as rare and extremely valuable. That is additionally why these woods were very expensive. alternative reports state that the tree is comparatively common in some areas of South Africa—although massive trees with straight, defect-free trunks are rather more scarce. according to legend, the tree is considered sacred to the Zulus in South Africa and is reserved for royalty.

Pink Ivory could be a vibrantly colored, dense, and extraordinary wood, thought of by many to be one in all the rarest woods within the World. The folklore went a bit something like this. Pink ivory was the royal tree of the Zulu folks and solely members of the house were allowed to possess it till the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879. Before the Anglo-Zulu War, the Zulu king (and before 1818, Zulu chiefs) would possess a pink ivory knob Kerry, a stick with one end a knob, and wear jewelry that was additionally made up of pink ivory. according to rumor, non-royals who possessed the wood would summarily be put to death. when Zululand fell to country and was separated into thirteen separate "kinglets" in 1883, all vying to retake management of what was once theirs precedent to the onset of social policy, the pink ivory wood became much less important a symbol of management than real control might be. Possession of the wood was once punishable by death if you weren't a Zulu king.

Pink Ivory is an exotic wood native to Southern Africa and is one in all the rarest and exquisite woods within the world. it is a really hard wood, robust and stiff, with a fine texture. though troublesome to work with hand tools, Pink Ivory is great for woodturning and carving. It finishes very well and also responds well to stains, finishes, and polishes.

The pink ivory tree produces a yellow, brownish, reddish, or violet drupe that is delicious to taste. other components of the tree are used traditionally as remedies and medicines.

The Pink ivory is rated as sturdy to very durable relating to decay resistance and also the resistance to the attack of insects and termites. Pink Ivory is claimed to own wonderful weathering characteristics though it is rarely utilized in applications wherever this might be a problem.

Other than the quality health risks related to any kind of exotic wood dust, no additional health reactions are related to Pink Ivory.

Color and Appearance: Pink Ivory ranges in color from a pale dark-brown pink to a bright, nearly neon pink, to a red. Usually, the foremost valuable pieces of Pink Ivory are a vibrant pink. Pink Ivory will usually be seen with a frizzy or fiddleback grain pattern, more enhancing its visual impact. This wood has sapwood which is of Pink Ivory tends to be pale yellow to light brown, with a somewhat gradual demarcation from the heartwood. Color changes in Pink Ivory (becoming light or boring over time) are often problematic and don't seem to be absolutely understood. This can be solved by using protective coats along with the finish but the only work up to a certain limit.

Grain and Texture: The grain is found to be straight to interlocked. though operating in areas of interlocked grains is often quite difficult. This wood is of a fine, even texture with an honest natural luster. the actual fact that it has naturally smart texture makes this wood even easier to work with as not a lot of effort is required while polishing it. Diffuse-porous; medium pores in no specific arrangement, numerous; usually in radial multiples of 2-4; gum/heartwood deposits common, although not simply seen with lens; growth rings are also distinct thanks to magnified pore frequency in earlywood; slim to medium rays visible while not lens; parenchyma not visible with a lens.

Workability: Pink Ivory incorporates a pronounced blunting result on cutting edges, and it’s fairly tough to work in board type. Tearout will occur on patterned or quartersawn sections throughout the planing. Pink Ivory is way more common in applications involving carving or turning, and it turns and finishes well.

Odor: Pink Ivory has a distinct and somewhat unpleasant odor once being worked.

Availability: Reputed to be a scarce commodity, Pink Ivory is often very pricey, typically on par with Gaboon Ebony which is another expensive African import. This wood species isn't listed within the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of vulnerable species. The tree is protected and sustainably maintained in South Africa, solely cut down by a very restricted permit.

Common Uses: The Pink ivory is understood to be exhausting to figure within the type of boards and is way appropriate for turning and veneering. it's principally used for carving, veneers, inlay, knife handles, billiard cues, chessmen, and other turned objects. The pink ivory tree produces a yellow, brownish, reddish, or purplish drupe that is delicious to taste. Other parts of the tree have been used traditionally as remedies and medicines.

Few images of finished products

Pink Ivory Bowls
Pink Ivory Bowls
Pink Ivory Bowls
