Zac Builds - The man who grew up with wood.

Zac Builds - The man who grew up with wood.

When we were young most of us grew up playing with toys and visiting parks and playgrounds. But ever since Zac began taking his first steps he joined his father and grandfather to construction sites.

He has watched countless renovations, buildings, and many other projects being crafted and with the help of all that knowledge and continuous practise and learning Zac has evolved into a wonderful luthier.

Over the years Zac has ventured into so many projects like shelves, television stands, tables, clocks, speakers, to even bowl holders for his pet cat.

This man is not only about the talent and knowledge he possesses but also about the great intentions of sharing his experiences of wood working with the world. You can find detailed descriptions of every project he has undertaken.

Whatever trouble he had while doing those projects and he also suggested solutions to those problems. “I’m hoping to create a library of knowledge for people looking to improve their own homes.” 

Zac has graciously answered some of our questions at Exotic Wood Zone about him and his wonderful passion. Hoping his words would motivate and inspire young woodworkers.

1.How did you get started in woodworking?

I got started in woodworking by building simple projects for myself and for friends. The first thing I ever built was a live edge desk for myself. Very simple construction, it was just a finished slab of walnut with some black pipe legs attached to it.

I had a lot of fun doing it and the reception I got from friends and family on social media was overwhelmingly positive. I had a lot of requests to do projects for people.

Around the same time I had also been toying with the idea of starting a social media channel. Originally I thought I could teach people about construction and home renovations since I had been working as a general contractor for many years.

The only issue was that I didn’t feel comfortable bringing a camera into my clients homes to film me working. I wasn’t respectful of their privacy and they were paying me to renovate their homes not film myself working.

So I looked to woodworking as a way I could teach people about the principles of building in the limited space I had available to me (the small shop we used for tool storage).

I didn’t know much about fine woodworking when I first started, but I was decently comfortable with rough carpentry. I figured it would be fun for people to learn along side me rather than learn from me.

2. How did you start acquiring tools?

I already had a lot of the tools necessary to do basic projects from my work in the construction world. I picked my early projects based on what tools I already had and then slowly as I got more skilled I’d plan projects around new tools. So I’d think of a fun project that would be possible with the addition of a new tool. I’d go out, buy the tool, and then do the project. It was a slow build over a few years.

3. Is social media an effective way to create a community?

Social media is the best method from creating a community that I know of. Since starting my channel I’ve connected with woodworkers and makers all around the globe. People I never would’ve met before. I have the ability to ask questions to hundreds of builders who are far more skilled than I am at the drop of a hat and I make myself available to anyone who has any questions too. The community I’ve found and been a part of online on social media is second to none.

4.Do you think community building is necessary in your niche?

I don’t think it's strictly necessary, but I wouldn’t want to do it without the community. It makes it so much more fun to share your projects with others and see what they are doing. The give and take provides so many opportunities for learning and growth that wouldn’t exist otherwise. So, while you might be able to do it without the community, it would be a lonely and slow road to travel.

5.Tell your best hands-on experience with woods!

It’s hard for me to pick just one experience! I still think my first experience might be my favorite. The desk that started my whole career in woodworking. It was a large 6 foot by 2 foot slab of live edge walnut. It cost me a small fortune and I sanded and finished the entire thing by hand. I didn’t have many tools back then so I did a lot of things the hard way. I got to spend a lot of time with that slab of wood and by the time I was done I was in love with it. It was the perfect shape and I used it for the better part of a decade before moving on.

6.Can you share the pictures of your previous works? has a collection of all my previous projects with hi-res photos