Board feet Calculator

This board foot calculator allows you to quickly estimate the volume of hardwood lumber you want to buy. If you're unsure how to calculate board feet or what a board foot is, scroll down for more in-depth information. Otherwise, simply type the dimensions of a wood piece into this board foot calculator!

What is a board foot?

Unlike square footage, which measures area, board footage measures volume. You use it when purchasing multiple boards of lumber in various sizes.
By definition, one board foot of lumber is one square foot that is one-inch thick. If you would like to convert regular volume units into board feet, use the following relation: 1 board foot = 144 cubic inches = 1/12 cubic foot

How to calculate board feet?

Surprisingly, the calculations are extremely easy! All you need to do is use the board foot formula below: board feet = length (ft) × width (in) × thickness (in) / 12 Pay special attention to the units! The length of the wooden board should be expressed in feet, while the width and thickness – in inches.


How do you calculate the board feet in a log?

Follow these steps to estimate the board feet in a log:

  1. Obtain either a Doyle rule or the International ¼-inch rule table.
  2. Measure the diameter of the log’s smaller end (excluding the bark) in inches.
  3. Measure the length of the log in feet.
  4. Refer to the table to find the value where the diameter and length intersect.
  5. Alternatively, use the formula: ((Diameter - 4)/4)² × Length, with the measurements in the units you’ve used.
  6. The result will provide an estimate of the board feet in the log.

How do you measure a board foot?

To measure a board foot, follow these steps:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of lumber.
  2. Measure its length in feet, rounding to the nearest decimal.
  3. Measure the width in inches (or in feet, but skip dividing by 12 in step 5 if you do).
  4. Measure the thickness in inches.
  5. Multiply the length, width, and thickness together, then divide by 12.

What is the difference between a board foot and a linear foot?

The main difference between a board foot and a linear foot is that a board foot is a measure of volume, whereas a linear foot is a measure of length. A board foot is generally used for lumber and is the multiplication of its width in feet, length in feet, and thickness in inches. A linear foot is a straight line 12 inches (1 foot) in length.

What is a board foot insulation?

Board foot insulation is a measurement of how much volume spray foam insulation can cover. A board foot is a volume of 1 ft × 1 ft × 1 in, so estimate the volume you need to fill before buying your spray foam insulation by finding the square footage of the space. A board foot is also a common unit of measure for lumber in the USA and Canada.


Fill in all the fields in the boxes and click the "Calculate" button. The Board Foot calculation will appear below in the "Results" panel. If you'd like to save the results and perform another calculation, simply click the "Save" button. Your saved results will be displayed below, and the total Board Feet will keep adding up until you reset the calculator.


Board Feet:


Total Board Feet:

Total Bd.ft Cost: