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Once your order is submitted, you’ll receive an email notification sharing delivery tracking information.

Once we receive your order, we generally start processing it within one business day. From there, the products included in your order will dictate how quickly we can ship them. We’ll keep you updated along the way, and send an email that includes delivery tracking information when your order departs our facility. If you have schedule questions before placing your order, feel free to email us jockey@exoticwoodzone.com and we’ll get them answered. If you want this shipped asap please email us also. If it's not urgent don't do it as someone who needs it shipped as soon as possible will get it delayed.

If you receive a damaged or incorrect item, simply reach out to us by mail or phone, and we’ll be happy to assist you. We offer a 60-day return policy with free return shipping and no restocking fees. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re committed to providing you with the best service and value.

The processing time for refunds is usually between 1-7 business days.