How to effectively use the leftover cutoffs from woodworking projects?

How to effectively use the leftover cutoffs from woodworking projects?

When you think that the leftover woods are messy and eating a lot of your work station space, then its time to get rid of them. And you can do way better than just throwing them away or burning them into ashes. You can make cool stuff from leftover woods or scrap wood and get paid for that. It’s cool, right? So in this blog, we are discussing 10 awesome ideas of effectively using scrap wood.


  • Cutting Board
  • As an essential part of every kitchen, the production of cutting boards is always profitable. And the best thing is, you can make a good cutting board from the scrapwood without much effort. Pick up the leftover wood pieces, scrap into blanks and glue them strongly. You can make the cutting board more attractive by using alternate color blanks while gluing. Choose a size you want, say a 12X16 or a 10X12 for the cutting board. After sanding and applying effective polish, you can create a great cutting board.


    Walnut Wood Cut Offs


  • Coat, Key, and Hat Racks
  • A wooden rack can easily cost you 20-80USD in the market. Find out a strong, straight scrapwood, good enough to rack multiple coats or key sets or hats. Sand it and drill some holes for the hooks. You can use either metal hooks or wooden hooks to hang your belongings on the rack. Glue them or screw them to the main wooden piece. Choose a classic color that suits your room and paint the rack after sanding and smoothing. And don’t forget to put holes in the racks to screw it on the wall.


  • Computer Shelf
  • How inconvenient is to use a laptop on the table and looking it at a downward angle or upward angle? Studies show that computer screens must be in proper alignment with your eyes. Hence the best way is to keep the computer over something that is made with proper measurement. Well, you can use the scrap wood to build a nice computer shelf than can hold your computer and at the same time store some books, CD's, bills, etc. Also, a polished wooden shelf can give your table a classy look!


    Walnut Wood Cut Offs


  • Lanterns
  • Wooden lantern frames can be made from leftover woods. People who are seeking a hobby can also try making wooden lanterns. They are small and easy to make. You can use electric bulbs, battery bulbs, or conventional candles in the lanterns according to your taste. But the presence of a beautiful wooden lantern on your balcony or study room will be eye-catching.


  • Doormat
  • Do you have some naughty kids at home? Are they playing outside and bring back mud in their shoes? If you are tired of buying fancy-looking plastics for your doormat, then its time for you to give a try to wooden doormats! They can become a good pair with your door. And they can rub off the mud from the shoes easily. Being very durable and provides grip to your foot, a wooden doormat is a good idea for your leftover wood transformation.


  • Photo frame

    This is the most classic idea of turning leftover wood pieces! They say photos are stored memories. So store them in a retro-style just like the old times! You don’t have to be a skilled woodworker to create some rectangle wooden photo frames. The best thing about wooden frames is, you can repaint them with any color you like in the future and it will give a fresh look!


    Katalox Wood Cutoffs


  • Coffee table
  • If you are a coffee person and you like to spend your lazy evenings drinking coffee and solving a puzzle on the floor of your bedroom or balcony, then how convenient will it be to use a coffee table that can support your elbows while you can drink the coffee and write or draw something?


  • Window box for plants
  • Are you a plant lover? then you don’t have to worry about any leftover woods in your workshop. You can easily make boxes of different sizes and shapes from the scrap woods. You can add soil and plant some blooming natural beauties in it and can keep the box near the windowpane in your bedroom. Don’t forget to paint them with a contrasting color against the flower color.


    Cocobolo Wood Cutoffs


  • Tea tray
  • Fibre, plastic, etc are some of the building materials for making cheap tea trays. Glass and wooden trays are costly. But you have some leftover woods right? So how about making a cool tea tray out of them? It’s easy to make rectangular or circular tea trays with inbuilt handles.


    Ziricote Wood Cutoffs


  • Cup coasters
  • For utilizing small leftover wood pieces, cup coasters are the best option. Cup coasters are essential at places of coffee/tea lovers who will keep their stained cups anywhere on the costly furniture or painted window sides.


    Check out our exotic cut-offs here:


    Exotic Wood Zone offers variety of American and Exotic Hardwood Cutoffs at a reasonable cost that can be effectively used in a variety of wood working projects.