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The Best Guide to Indian Ebony: The Hardwood from India

Indian Ebony, also known as Ceylon Ebony, is from the genus Diospyros, one of the dense exotic hardwoods in Southeast Asia.  In our Guide, we discuss the features and uses of Indian Ebony wood.

Where is Ebony wood found?

Ebony wood species(Diospyros ebenum) are commonly distributed along Southeast Asia and are commonly seen in Sri Lanka and South India. This Ebony wood which is abundant in Dry forests is also seen in moist forests too.

Janka Hardness

2,430 lbf(10,790 N)

Tree size

50-80 ft

Dried Weight

57 lbs

Short Brief About Indian Ebony

Indian Ebony wood which is native to Southeast Asia is coal black in color with gray or dark brown in streaks. Ebony wood is very dense with an awful texture with straight or generally irregular grains in it. This irregular part of the Indian Ebony wood causes the wood very hard to work with. But it turns out very well. There is a lot of natural luster in the wood.

What is Indian Ebony commonly used for?

  • Ebony wood uses has an Ancient Egyptian connection, In Egypt, Great Pharaohs were buried with things made of Ebony wood. 
  • Indian Ebony is commonly used for inlays, and several decorative items with aesthetic appeal can be made from the wood Ebony. 
  • Despite being difficult for working, this Indian wood turns very well, so many Turned objects can be made from this beautiful wood. 
  • This exotic wood from India is also used for making several elements for musical instruments such as piano keys, bridges, and nuts. Etc

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  • Indian Ebony was commonly used for carving in Ancient Egypt. 
  • Other than being used in wooden projects, the root of this Indian wood is utilized for treating infectious diseases, fever and for intestinal parasites. etc 
  • When it comes to Ebony species, there are several questions asked, mainly about the differences between Indian Ebony and Gaboon Ebony

Indian Ebony vs Gaboon Ebony

Both these Quality woods have been used since prehistoric times. Indian Ebony wood has been used in Egyptian history for carving and used in tombs, as mentioned above.
Gaboon Ebony is mentioned as the purest black wood of all time, they have been a part of many royal cultures as drinking cups and raw material for sculptures.

In terms of appearance, Gaboon Ebony is acromatic in color without any variation and Indian Ebony is coal black in color.

As a tonewood, Gaboon Ebony always dominates because of its high density that causes best musical notation which makes them a better choice for making musical instruments.
Barks of the Indian wood has been used as a navy pigment, used for painting material.

What makes Indian wood so expensive?

First of all, Trade of Indian ebony was prohibited all over india. Then After the forest restoration this wood is again employed and distributed.

The Indian Ebony is generally slow growing and this sets its supply very low and demand very high. With High demand and low supply, hardwood suppliers make Indian Ebony so expensive.
So if you are looking for a perfect wood for decorative purposes and carving ad for turned objects. This Hardwood from India is the best choice.

Check out Exotic Wood Zone for your Best Hardwood preferences.

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