Meet-Michael-Casler-aka-The-Wood-Fist Exotic Wood Zone

Meet Michael Casler: aka The Wood Fist!

Exotic woods need an Exotic Woodworker. In pursuit of finding one, exoticwoodzone came across Michael who believes that its the process of woodworking that gives happiness and satisfaction more than seeing the finished products. Being a carpenter, Michael was always into woodworking. The long 20 years of extensive experience perfected him and helped him to earn a good clientele. He launched Hollstudio that offers full service from design to installation. As Michael says,

"We love to push the limits of materials and bring new innovations to our designs"

He was more than happy to spend some time from his busy schedules with us. We were curious to know more about his work style, his principles, etc that can help motivate the aspiring woodworkers and wood enthusiasts.

How did you get started in woodworking?

I was a carpenter and was always drawn to the more complicated and detail-oriented work. I started doing some woodworking on the side and decided to get a job at a cabinet shop. I have been doing custom woodworking since then. Working on museum exhibits, wooden boat restoration, custom furniture, and cabinets. After 20 years I am still seeking out the more complicated and detail-oriented work.

How did you start acquiring tools?

Slowly. Mostly used tools, from the garage and estate sales before Craigslist. Now I watch auction sites if I'm looking for a new addition. What are your days like? Long. I spend a lot of time on client relations, shop drawings, and estimates. I still find a lot of time to build though, that's my happy space. Weekends are great because I have fewer distractions, but I need to work on a better work-life balance and not spend all my time in the shop.

Is social media an effective way to create a community?

Definitely, it's a great way to feel part of something within your craft. It’s inspiring to follow other craftspeople and see their work and how they handle the highs and lows of being a small business owner.

Do you think community building is necessary for your niche?

I do, craft is slowly fading, its important to have people excited and interested in sharing their knowledge with others.

Tell your best hands-on experience with woods!

That's a hard question. Every project has that one board with a great figure, or one of a kind color that you remember. When I see an old project of mine, I always remember the individual boards and how they looked coming out of the planer or when the finished was wiped over them for the first time. Woodworking is a tactile experience for me, its more about the process of making rather than the finished product. That is the essence of craft for me

Can you share the pictures of your previous works?

Furniture style walnut island by Holl Studio

Furniture style walnut island. Photo Courtesy: @woodfist

Custom Wood Bench by Holl Studio

Custon Wood Bench made at Holl Studio.Photo Courtesy: @holl_studio

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Visit Holl Studio for more : Holl Studio

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